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Nastia Liukin 身着 Fabergé 出席 2023 年 ESPY 颁奖典礼

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2023 年 7 月 12 日,奥运会金牌得主纳斯佳·柳金 (Nastia Liukin) 出席在加利福尼亚州好莱坞举行的 2023 年 ESPY 颁奖典礼杜比剧院,佩戴了Colours of Love宇宙曲线玫瑰金粉红蓝宝石永恒戒指“情感”卡塔琳娜 ( Emotion Katharina) 黄金 18.81 克拉尖晶石戒指,镶嵌钻石和彩色宝石

Nastia Liukin wears Fabergé at the 2023 ESPYs Awards

Nastia Liukin wears Fabergé at the 2023 ESPYs Awards

Nastia Liukin wears Fabergé at the 2023 ESPYs Awards

Nastia Liukin wears Fabergé at the 2023 ESPYs Awards

Nastia Liukin wears Fabergé at the 2023 ESPYs Awards

Nastia Liukin wears Fabergé at the 2023 ESPYs Awards

Nastia Liukin wears Fabergé at the 2023 ESPYs Awards