
Celebrating January’s Birthstone – Garnet

2 Minute Read

Garnet is January’s birthstone – this gemstone is as beautiful as it is diverse. Commonly red in colour (the name “garnet” originates from the medieval Latin granatus, meaning “pomegranate”), garnets come in an extraordinary spectrum of colours including orange, yellow, purple and green. Garnets have been used since the Bronze Age as gemstones and abrasives.
Believed to bring the wearer good health and also symbolise wealth and happiness, garnet is recognized as the birthstone of power, good fortune, and strength. Throughout history, it has been known as the “Gem of Faith” and was believed to provide the wearer with good fortune as long, as they were doing acts of good while wearing it.
Whether gifting yourself or a loved one this month, explore a range of garnets in our Colours of Love collection.

Celebrating January’s Birthstone – Garnet

Celebrating January’s Birthstone – Garnet

Celebrating January’s Birthstone – Garnet

Celebrating January’s Birthstone – Garnet

Celebrating January’s Birthstone – Garnet

Celebrating January’s Birthstone – Garnet